Israel Kills Palestine militants in Gaza peace efforts fail

Israeli Forces Kill Palestine Militants in Gaza Peace efforts fail to produce any ceasefire with the Islamic Jihadi Organizations. The latest violence came after IDF military airstrikes earlier in the week killed three leaders of the Palestinian militant group and 10 other Palestinian men, women and children in Gaza and led to threats of retaliation.

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Palestine Military Commanders Killed in Gaza

In a new update early Thursday, the IDF said it had targeted another Islamic Jihad commander who was a “central figure” in the Palestinian militant group. “We just targeted Ali Ghali, the commander of Islamic Jihad’s Rocket Launching Force, as well as two other Islamic Jihad operatives in Gaza,” the IDF said in a tweet, adding that Ghali was “responsible for the recent rocket barrages launched against Israel.”

As per the latest news and Islamic Jihad confirmed Ghali was killed early Thursday, saying he was in charge of the al Quds Brigades missile unit. The Ministry of Health in Gaza said 25 people have been killed and 76 injured since airstrikes started on Tuesday. Among the casualties, 15 died Tuesday, seven Wednesday, and three Thursday, according to the ministry.

Israel Defence continues its attack in Gaza

Israeli forces have been bombarding Islamic Jihad’s operatives and infrastructure, using unmanned drones for surveillance as it monitors militant preparations to propel rockets, IDF chief spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Wednesday. Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement that runs Gaza, issued a statement Wednesday strongly suggesting that its forces were releasing rockets toward Israel, shortly after the IDF said firmly it believed Hamas was not doing so.

“The Palestinian resistance with all its factions, led by the Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, is participating now in a unified manner by teaching the enemy a lesson that it will not forget and confirming that Palestinian blood is not cheap,” said the statement, issued by Muhammad al-Buraim, an official in the joint resistance committees in Palestine.

The attacks have been mounted by Israel after the Palestine and Hezbollah militants mounted their attack on Israel in the aftermath of the Israel forces shooting inside the Al Aqsa Mosques in Jerusalem and IDF has been mounting the attacks since then. There were almost 500 rockets fired at Israel during the barrage, most of which were detected and destroyed by the Israeli defense systems.


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