Turning Off Location Service on iPhone and iPad detail steps

Location Service on any mobile device can be used for various utilities like finding directions or locations, sharing locations, and weather updates as well. On social media too, location services are also used for various activities. In this article, we illustrate the steps for turning off the location service on mobile devices like iPhones and iPad.

Benefits of Turning Off Location Services on iPhone

If Location Services on iPhones are turned On, the devices tend to be more vulnerable to sensitive information stored in the device through the apps installed in it. Hence, special care needs to be taken to ensure that the apps that are installed on the device are not granted access to the location data. Only reliable applications should be given such access. Hence, turning off location services on iPhones reduces the risk of sharing unauthorized information. Also, battery life is directly affected if the location is turned on as it always runs in the background.

Disabling Location Services on iPhone and iPad

  1. Open the Settings option on the device.
  2. Open Privacy and Security.
  3. Click on Location Services on your iPhone.
  4. Toggle the Location Service option to turn it off.

Turning Off Location Services on iPhone

All applications that are trying to access the location will not be able to do so if the option is turned off.

Turning Off the service for specific applications

  1. Click on the Settings option.
  2. Select Privacy and Security under Settings.
  3. Click on Location Services to open the relevant option.
  4. Select the App for which the location needs to be turned off
  5. Select among 3 options: Never, Ask Next Time, or When I Share and While Using the App.

Location Services on iPhone

Turning Off Location access to specific System Location Services on iPhone and iPad

  1. Click on the Settings option.
  2. Select Privacy and Security under Settings.
  3. Click on Location Services to open the relevant option.
  4. The option now appears in the Status Bar about the active system services.
  5. iOS service can now be checked from this option to check the service for which the location access needs to be granted.

Location Services on iPhone


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