Singapore Hangs Man of Indian origin for drug trafficking

Singapore Hangs Man of Indian origin for drug trafficking charges even after protests from the UN and several other countries. Tangaraju Suppiah, aged 46 was accused of plotting to smuggle more than a Kilo of Cannabis from the neighboring country, Malaysia.

Singapore Hangs Man
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Singapore Hangs Man of Indian Origin on weak evidence

UN had made several requests to the Singapore government to stop the execution as protests also emerged within Singapore and certain groups also claim that the accused never admitted to the crime. However, nothing could pursue the concerned government to change their stand on the issue as they hanged the accused on Wednesday morning. Relatives of the Suppiah had also pleaded several times to the President of Singapore, Halimah Yacob for leniency as well.

Even British entrepreneur, Richard Branson described the verdict of the Singapore Hangs Man to be shocking apart from local groups like Transformative Justice Collective who also protested the sentencing.

Singapore Hangs Man – Laws of the Land

Singapore’s anti-drug laws happened to be one of the strictest in the world and as per the laws of the land, any individual found to be trafficking more than 500 grams of cannabis is supposed to face the death penalty. As per reports and news, 11 people were hanged last year in Singapore on similar charges.

On the other hand, when a lot of countries, including the neighbors of Singapore had either abolished the death sentence, or active rights groups are working on it. The Singapore Government however defends its stand saying that the death sentence does act as a deterrent to the crime which is necessary to protect the citizens of the country and those executed had been given the chance of a fair trial. In this case, a request for a stay in execution was filed, but the government of Singapore Hangs Man as they dismissed the petition without any hearing.

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