R. Kelly sexual assault cases dropped by State Attorney

R.Kelly sexual assault cases update, which is pending, has been dropped and the singer has finally been finally acquitted by the Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. The latest news update is, he has been serving a 30 years prison sentence currently after being convicted in R. Kelly sexual assault cases by both New York and Chicago courts that led to the above imprisonment terms for the singer.

R.Kelly sexual assault cases
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R.Kelly sexual assault cases dropped: The events leading to it

The singer, who is currently serving a prison sentence for 30 years after being indicted by the New York and Chicago courts had as many as 4 pending charges of sexual assault dropped by the Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. The move comes after the R. Kelly trial was prolonged by several months due to the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the steps taken by the Chicago and New York courts to fast track the other cases of the same nature that were filed against the disgraced singer, for which he had been held guilty and has been ordered to serve 30 years of rigorous imprisonment. In the charges leveled in R. Kelly sexual assault cases, the disgraced singer dates back to the trials conducted since 1998 when the victims of a sexual offense against the felon, R. Kelly, pressed the charges.

The way forward for R.Kelly

Even though the R.Kelly sexual assault cases that are pending have been dropped, it cannot be accounted as a relief of sorts for the convict as he will be mandatorily serving the already ordered 30 years sentence as a result of the R. Kelly trial. As far the Cook County State’s Attorney Kelly Foxx said “Due to the extensive sentences that these convictions hold, our office has decided not to continue to expend our limited resources and court time with the indictments that we previously charged Mr. Kelly. He is potentially looking at the possibility of never walking out of prison again for the crimes he has committed. This office, in the pursuit of justice for the victims in our indictment – as well as those across the country – worked tirelessly to get us to this point. While today’s cases are no longer being pursued, we believe that justice has been served in the sentences that have already been handed down to Mr. Kelly, as well as the sentence that will come down next month.” during a media interaction on Monday.

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