Nikki Haley in the race for US President in 2024

The current Governor of the state of North Carolina and sitting United States Ambassador in UN, Nikki Haley will be contesting the United States Presidential elections in the upcoming year. In pursuit of the same, she will be challenging former President Donald Trump who is also to be contesting the polls again. She has been selected as the candidate for the Democrats as the second one from the party after her ex-boss Donald Trump announced his candidacy in November last year.

Nikki Haley
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Who is Nikki Haley?

Nikki Haley rose to national prominence more than a decade ago when, in 2010, she became the youngest governor in the US aged 39. Her victory in South Carolina, which happens to be her home state, made history on multiple fronts - she was the conservative southern state’s first female and Asian-American governor.

Nikki Haley two terms as governor, between 2011 and 2017, gave a clear outline of her vision as a politician. She developed a reputation as a mainstream conservative and business-friendly leader who focused on attracting major companies to South Carolina. “If you come [here], the cost of doing business is going to be low,” she said at the time. “We are going to be one of the lowest union-participation states.”

Nikki Haley is currently in focus

Even though Donald Trump was his ex-boss and Nikki had admitted this multiple times that she had learned a lot from his mentor, Nikki Haley never stopped short of criticizing him and his behavior when, Trump’s supporters attacked the United States Capitol Hills on the 6th of January, 2021 after he lost the Presidential elections to Joe Biden. The day after followed by the above mentioned fateful day, she said in a speech, “his actions since election day will be judged harshly by history”.

Other prominent politicians and personalities who are in the race for the President next year include, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and current VP Kamala Harris.

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