Raquel Welch, the Hollywood sex symbol suddenly died at 82

Raquel Welch, famous Hollywood actress and sex symbol of the industry in the yesteryears left for her heavenly abode on Wednesday, the 15th Feb at her home in Los Angeles, California. She was 82 years old at the time of her death and passed away after a brief illness as confirmed by her son, Damon. She has been ruling the silver screen in Hollywood during the 1960s and 70’s.

Raquel Welch
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Raquel Welch: Life and Times

Raquel Welch has been ruling the silver screen in Hollywood during the 1960s and 70’s along with hosting several TV shows. She was born on the 5th of September, 1940 in Chicago, Illinois, and passed away at the age of 82. During her initial years, she bore the name Jo Raquel Tejada parented by her father Armando Tejada and mother Josephine Sarah Hall. Her father was an aeronautical engineer. Born to a Spanish family hailing from the city of La Paz in Bolivia, her cousin named Lidia Guelier Tejada became the very 1st woman President of Bolivia.

Stepping into the silver screen

After graduating from Chicago, Raquel Welch did a few odd jobs before moving to Los Angeles to pursue her career in Television and films starting with the spy thriller Fathom which was released in 1967. The movie was shot in Spain and was under the production banner of 20th Century Fox.

Condolences pour in for Raquel Welch

“She passed away with no pain, I’m very proud of what she contributed to society and her career and everything. I’m most proud of her doing the U.S.O tours with Bob Hope during the late 60s and early 70s. We missed Christmas with her for three years while she was doing that. She said that was the hardest thing.”, confirmed his son Damon Welch, her eldest son born from the wedlock of Raquel’s childhood friend and partner, James Welch.

As soon as the news of her demise went public, social media platforms were flooded with condolence messages around the world from her fans and admirers.


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