JFK Airport shut down in New York trigger chaos and panic

The John F Kennedy International airport happens to be one of the busiest not only in the US , but also in the entire world as far as the number of passengers or the number of aircraft are concerned. The current news is JFK Airport shut down of the terminal in John F Kennedy International Airport triggered chaos among the authorities and passengers alike as one of the terminals of the airport got shut down unexpectedly.

JFK Airport shut down
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JFK Airport shut down: What actually happened

A terminal in New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport will remain closed on Friday due to electrical issues, affecting inbound and outbound flights, the airport said in a tweet, disrupting activity at one of the world’s busiest airports.

Damage control measures initiated

The necessary damage control measures were initiated as soon as JFK Airport shut down terminal backed out due to the power outage. The concerned authorities are working on an emergency basis to ensure minimum damage has occurred as a result of the JFK Airport shut down. Since Thursday, 16th February 2023, more than 130 flights have been canceled or delayed. As per the official spokespersons of the Airport admin authorities, “JFK Terminal 1 will remain closed on 2/17 due to electrical issues as the Port Authority continues working with the terminal’s operator to restore flight operations as quickly as possible. Travelers should check with their carriers for flight status before coming to the airport” as reported in Twitter.

The outage came about following what has been described as a small fire in a utility area. “Travelers should check with their carriers for flight status before coming to the airport,” JFK said. The Port Authority is continuing to work with the terminal’s operator to restore flight operations as quickly as possible, it added.

The airport’s website showed that some flights scheduled to arrive at JFK were diverted to other airports on the East Coast.

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