During an interview with a film magazine, Christopher Nolan said that in making of his latest film, “Oppenheimer,” he recreated the first nuclear bomb explosion without the use of computer-generated imagery. Cillian Murphy, a frequent collaborator of Nolan’s, will be seen essaying the role of J. Robert who had a pivotal role in the Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. When the crew had to shoot a nuclear bomb explosion, it was no surprise that Nolan opted the practical option, since he has always preferred practical effects over VFX. Once, he even blew up a real Boeing 747 for the movie “Tenet”.
Nuclear Explosion Without VFX Was Challenging: Nolan
Without the use of CGI, “recreating the Trinity test” (the first nuclear bomb explosion, in New Mexico) was an enormous task, as Nolan himself acknowledged. Nolan further said about the recreation of the Trinity test that representing quantum physics and dynamics in the extraordinary weather of Los Alamos upon a mesa in New Mexico was very harsh. The whole team met several huge practical challenges during the shoot of these much needed scenes.
Oppenheimer: Tale Of Great Scope And Scale
Nolan continued by saying that “Oppenheimer” is a “tale of great scope and scale,” and it is perhaps one of the hardest projects he had ever taken on, due to the sheer size of the undertaking and the unexpected depth of the film’s narrative. Huge problems arose in terms of logistics and execution. But he worked with an amazing team, and everyone pulled their weight. Nolan says, there is still some time until we wrap up. But when I see the results rolling in and as I edit the video, I couldn’t be prouder of what my team has accomplished.
Nolan reteamed with cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema (who also shot “Interstellar,” “Dunkirk,” and “Tenet”) for “Oppenheimer,” and the pair even convinced IMAX to develop a new kind of film material just for the picture. On July 21, 2023, Universal Pictures will release the film.
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