Cristiano Ronaldo: It’s not just a name, it’s an era

In the list of the most well-known athletes in the world, Ronaldo’s name is almost always mentioned on top. The captain of the Portuguese national football team, Cristiano Ronaldo, is a global celebrity. Ronaldo has amassed a total of 32 career trophies. Ronaldo is the proud parent of six kids, and his stardom was seen in 2022’s FIFA World Cup. The early stage of this star was full of ups and downs. We will read in this article some of the key facts about this Portuguese footballer.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo Family

Contrary to popular belief, Cristiano Ronaldo wasn’t born to a carpenter father and a virgin mother in a stable. However, his father served as soldier in Angola in the 1970s for Portugal’s imperialist regime, while his mother worked as a housekeeper and a cleaner. Father of Ronaldo, very alcoholic, José Dinis Aveiro, passed away from liver failure in 2005.

Cristiano’s Mother had a very rough life

Dolores Aveiro, Ronaldo’s mother, describes in her memoir, Mother Courage, about how she considered terminating her pregnancy with her son because of financial difficulties caused by her alcoholic husband. ‘He drank almost every day, she recalls.

The Birth of the Legend

On February 5, 1985, in the Sao Pedro parish of Funchal, Portugal, a superstar was born. Despite the family’s hardships, the parents were set on giving their fourth and last kid a name that would represent the sort of future they hoped for the child and would serve as a symbol of the couple’s commitment to that future.

Thus, during the baptism, the parents named their new baby. Keeping with Portuguese custom, he was given four names: Cristiano, Ronaldo, Aveiro, and a middle name. Named after the charismatic former Hollywood actor and two-term US president of the 1980s, Ronald Reagan, Cristiano signifies “a disciple of Christ.” Ronaldo was influenced by Reagan’s name.

Cristiano Ronaldo: The Real Hero

The road to Cristiano Ronaldo’s immortality was rocky and littered with thorns. At the age of 15, he was diagnosed with tachycardia, a potentially life-threatening illness in which the heart beats at a rate of more than 100 times per minute, although the average rate for a teen or an adult is between 60 and 100. To fix the problem, he had surgery.

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