Ramadan happens to be the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar observed by Muslims with fasting and prayers

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Fasting during the Ramadan would include staying away from food, drinks or any other needs till sunset everyday

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The beginning of the Ramadan involves sighting of the crescent moon and this year it starts from 24th March

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In Dubai, the iftar cannon is fired to signal the sunset and the end of the day long fasting on the 1st day

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The same firing also happens in the North African City of Tripoli, the capital city of Libya on the very 1stiftar

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In Medan, Indonesia, Muslims sit around in a circle on the mosque yard together to break the fast on the 1st day

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In Russia, iftar tents are where people gather to sit and have their dinner together as a community in Moscow

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The Ar-rahma mosque is where the Muslims in Kyiv, Ukraine gather around on the 1st day of the Iftar for dinner

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