Rainfall in Afghanistan on Thursday and Friday last week lead to flash floods killing 3 and injuring 7 in rural areas

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More than 9 states or provinces have been affected by the untimely heavy rain that has also damaged properties

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Disaster Management Authorities confirmed that the affected families have been provided with basic necessities as well

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However, other news agencies in Afghanistan have reported that the casualty count Is more than 10 with 60 injured

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The disaster management team have also confirmed that more than 800 houses have been destroyed by the flood

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The flash floods have been preceded by an earthquake for which the epicentre was in Afghanistan’s Badakhsan area

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The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the earthquake of 6.8 magnitudes struck 40 km S-SE of the Jurm district

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A powerful earthquake rocked a rugged and mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan last June, killing 1,000 people

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