Entertainment is the way for individuals to unwind after a tiring or a hard day’s work and helps keep fatigue at bay

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One of the most popular and sought after ones are the movies, which is available in various forms like, theatres, phones, television, etc

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No.7 TV shows aren’t available in theatres, but the advent of smartphones and entertainment apps have done wonders to its viewing numbers

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No.6 Video games , nowadays are not kid’s thing anymore. Individuals of all ages consider this as one of the best entertainment methods

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No.5 Books are the most popular and primitive medium of entertainment which however, has lost its popularity due to the advent of TV and smartphones

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No.4 Open Mic nights are a platform to showcase one’s talents in a group and it helps in improving self confidence and bonding as well

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No.3 Comedy Clubs can be best explained as an entertainment medium with the saying, “ A day without laugh is a day wasted”

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No.2 Circus shows maynot available everytime and everywhere, it is something that can make not just an experience or memory, but a memoir

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No.1 Outdoor sporting events can be one of the most tried and tested options as far as entertaining an individual is concerned

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