Snowfall can be a feast for the eyes and it can contribute to the pleasure factor if it starts all of a sudden as well

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There is no dearth of places in the country where people can visit to witness snowfall, especially in winter

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Gulmarg can be one such place where tourists throng during the winter as snowfall here is a daily affair

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Tawang, located in the far east Arunachal Pradesh can provide the adrenaline rush with its scenic snowfall in winter

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Auli, in the state of Uttarakhand is also a dream destination during winters for skiing and enjoying snowfall

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Auli can provide the tourists to enjoy the surroundings as it provides cable cars and high altitude ropeways

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For those who enjoy adventure, Ladakh can be a dream destination for them especially in two-wheelers

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Khirsu, in Uttarakhandis also a mesmerizing hill station with snow covered peaks in the Garwal range

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