Restrictive dieting should be avoided for hair growth as it decreases resources and nutrients for the growth

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A well balanced diet with at least 50 grams of protein everyday is the best practice to be followed

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Edible products containing caffeine can be included in daily diet as it helps in regular growth of hair

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Using Essential oils like pumpkin seed oil, rosemary oil and peppermint oil components can help in hair growth

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Essential vitamins and minerals intake including Vitamin C,D,E along with iron and zinc helps in growth

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Messaging the hair scalp regularly and studies have proved that such an exercise helps in growth of the hair

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Hair coloring should be avoided as much as possible as the chemicals present in it can affect adversely

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Applying antioxidants to your scalp may significantly reduce hair loss and improve the condition of your scalp

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Trimming your hair every few months can boost the growth of healthy hair as it removes split ends

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Reducing chronic stress can help in stopping hair loss to a great extent as suggested by a lot of studies

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